How to Make Design More Efficient with "Reuse"?

Webs, apps and desktops are the main force to push the wheels of this information industry. There are countless products poping up every second. This leads to huge pressure to the programmers, and of course, to the designers too. With facing this challenge, how can designer make their working time more efficient?

Reuse, it means to use something repeatedly, it is one of the best ways to improve your efficiency. In programing and coding, reuse is an essential part. This method is also useful in prototyping.

First of all, why we need to reuse?

Code reuse aims to save time and resources and reduce redundancy by taking advantage of assets that have already been created in some forms within the software product development process. The key idea in reuse is that parts of a computer program written at earlier time can be or should be used in the construction of other programs written at a later time.

There is the similar situation in prototyping. Reusing the same method and module could help you to upgrade your designing skill, and to maintain the consistency of the whole design.

So, how to make design more efficient with "Reuse"?

1. "Reuse" in the same conditions

For example, in some kinds of webs and apps, there are lots of the same buttons. They give designers lots of extra work to do. While the revising, these buttons can be very annoying because of the volume. This situation is pretty normal, most of the prototyping tools have their own methods. Master can be the easiest way to fix this. Such as Axure and Mockplus. Master is a really good function. Not only because the function reuse, but also the function of keeping constancy. When you change one component of the Master, all the components from Master would be changed in all the pages.

2. Reuse in the different conditions

How to reuse your module in different condition? It seems might be inappropriate, but it does make sense. Sometimes, there could be lots of the same components in webs, apps, and desktop, even though, they are not the same kind of product, still, reuse can provide a reliable solution and cut the cost. Many tools do not support this now, but I think this is very useful. Mockplus now has this function. With the share and sync function from "My libraries", you can use your design from web to app with just drag and drop.

There are so many ways to make your work more efficient. Sometimes, a useful tool can give you a hand. Hope everyone can be a great designer with the help of tools.


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