Five Point to Upgrade User-Experience Design

When the internet market seems to be full, user-experience is one of the most important points to focus on now. Great user-experience could not only save the number of users, but also provide users with a high viscosity. Since, user-experience is important, well, what is user-experience?

"User experience (UX) refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person’s perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency. User experience may be considered subjective in nature to the degree that it is about individual perception and thought with respect to the system. User experience is dynamic as it is constantly modified over time due to changing usage circumstances and changes to individual systems as well as the wider usage context in which they can be found."

And, user-experience design is the design process.

1. Master users' core need
2. Save some bonuses in design
3. Make users-predictable interactions
4. Keep the details same in one project
5. Easy testing tools

Master users' needs

The significance of a product is to meet the needs of users. Mastering the product corresponding to the user's core needs, is undoubtedly critical thing in the design. For the user-experience design, if the design cannot meet the results of user core needs, this design is an unsuccessful design. How to master the core needs of users? The most basic method is to have a user's research. When you want to complete a user's research, here are the things you need: the right target, the appropriate form of investigation, and clear investigation content. More details can be found in Are You A Designer? - Designe Researcher

Save some bonuses:

First of all, you need to understand two things. One is that, bonus functions are not the essential functions. Even the users didn't find the bonus. They wouldn't feel that there are some kind of functional problems with this program. The other one is that, please don't bury the bonus too deep in your product. This is not a game, if no one can find it, it means nothing. Bonuses are made to surprise the users. Hence, you can upgrade your product. This kind of surprise will make the product more attractive to new users, and also provide fresh fellings to the regular user.

User-predictabel interactions:

If we take the bonus as a kind of surprise, then we should take user-predictabel interactions as the basic moves for upgrading the user-experience of your product. When the user is clicking a button, don't let him guess what would happen in the next seconds. Once you make them angry, the results are terrible. One more thing that I need to mention: the interaction result which is out of the product is not the same as bonus, there's a clear line between not predictable and surprise.

Keep details in consistency:

In terms of the whole program, consistency can be divided into many parts, including color, font and etc. Color and font are especially important. The two elements decide the visual feelings of users, hence, they are also the elements that decide the user-experience. If the whole style changed after the page skipping, I think most of the users cannot adjust well. These things may look not important, but they will be magnified by some picky users, this can be the cause of giving up this product.

Design tools:

Based on the different directions that designers are working for, here I will list some tools to fit in different situations.

Image editing tools: PS and AI are still in the list of designer's most common-used tools. However, Adobe must still feel the pressure from Sketch which is rising on the Mac system. If you still need other tools, you can give OmniGraffle a try. As an image editing tool, the bonuses of OmniGraffle are limited interactions. Very limited interactions, but still funny.

Interaction-design tools:
Speaking of interaction design tools, lots of people will bring out Axure in the first place. Axure has the largest number of users at the field of prototyping design, but we have to admit that there's not just only one prototyping tool. The first kind of prototyping tools would be the tools like Mockplus, they can create wireframe and set interactions. The other kind of tools are more like Flinto for Mac, and InVision. They use the file and images of image editing tools and give them hotspots to set interactions.

In general, user-experience will be one of the main points of developing a product. I hope this article could be helpful at this spot.


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